WELCOME!!!Whether you are new to Hudson, Ohio or have lived here for years, Hudson Newcomers Club is a great way to meet new people or reconnect with women in the community. Since 1954, Hudson Newcomers Club has offered a wide range of activities and events to fulfill the social needs of women who live in Hudson, Ohio. Once you join and pay the dues, don't forget to join our Hudson Newcomers Club facebook group for more information and instructions on how to join our invitation app called BAND. This app can be customized to your preferences! Come to any or all events. (You can even suggest your own spontaneous outing by posting on the facebook page (hikes, movies, happy hour, etc.): There is no obligation to attend an event. Click below for details on how to join Hudson Newcomers Club. Membership is open to all female residents of Hudson with a Hudson address, Membership is $40/year for the first 3 years and $30/year after after 3 years. Our year runs from July 1st- June 30th but you can join at any time of the year. |